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What to do and not to do to maintain Asphalt

July 19, 2021

What to do and not to do to maintain Asphalt

Asphalt paving offers the highest return on investment when compared to other forms of paving. An asphalt pavement that has been properly designed and constructed will last for many years without the need to be replaced or removed. It can be costly to repair a concrete path after its original design has expired. It is important to maintain your asphalt pavement so that it lasts for many years. This blog will provide you with the essential do's and don’ts for asphalt pavement longevity.

It is important to choose a quality paving contractor in order to maintain smooth pavements. Our team is well-versed in many industry sectors and has a large portfolio. Our team works with precision and efficiency. We take care of the small details while you work on the bigger picture.

You should plan your maintenance and repair procedures as soon as you have paved your driveway. These important steps will ensure a quality asphalt pavement that lasts.

1. You shouldn't drive on freshly paved surfaces for 24 hours. In summer, you can wait longer. This is known as cure-time. It's the time asphalt must dry completely.

2. For landscaping purposes, you can use sifted topsoil. Because some soils react with asphalt, it is important to use sod. This can cause slight flaking around the edges.

3. Avoid oil spillages on asphalt. Asphalt cracks when oil is used.

4. Apply crack sealers to the asphalt surface immediately after cracks appear. Asphalt surface cracks can develop over time. Water can seep through cracks and cause permanent damage to the pavement base. Failure of the base course can lead to alligator cracks and potholes. Quality crack sealing services can save you money and extend the life of your asphalt pavement.

Do not do these after an asphalt-paving project.

1. Avoid parking your car in exactly the same spot each time. It could result in impressions on the pavement or even low spots.

2. A new asphalt surface should not be sealed for less than two to three decades. Applying too quickly with additives to exterior seal-coaters can cause cracks. Seal coat asphalt once every three to five. Sealing coat acts as a sunscreen, protecting asphalt surfaces from damaging UV rays and water.

3. Asphalt maintenance should not be neglected. Regular preventive maintenance is a good investment as the years go by. You can extend the life span of asphalt pavements by cleaning and maintaining them regularly. This will allow you to get the most out of your investment.

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